Judge appointed to hear inquests

Inquests into the deaths in the Manchester Arena attack on 22 May 2017 will be heard by Sir John Saunders, a High Court Judge. Sir John has been appointed by the Lord Chief Justice to oversee this work and has now assumed responsibility.

HM Coroner’s office for Manchester (City) Area who worked with Greater Manchester Police on the first stages of the investigation into these deaths have now formally handed over the investigation and inquest process to Sir John and his team.

HM Senior Coroner for Manchester (City) Area Nigel Meadows said: “I would like to pay personal tribute to the victims of the Manchester Arena attack and their families. Serving them has been a privilege and a humbling experience. My thoughts remain with the families as they continue to deal with the aftermath of this awful event.”

Any queries about the inquest process can be sent to Fiona Ledden, City Solictor for Manchester at fiona.ledden@manchester.gov.uk or 0161 234 1626.

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