Advice to help others

Guidance for Parents and Carers – supporting Children and Young People 

This guidance provides information on how the anniversary of the Manchester Arena Attack may affect the emotional wellbeing of children and young people. It has been developed for parents and carers by NHS professionals with experience of supporting people involved in traumatic events. 

It is important to acknowledge that anniversaries of traumatic events can be emotional events. Whilst the focus of parents and carers is on supporting those you care for, our ability to do that effectively depends on our ability to look after ourselves. If you have also been affected by the attack the suggestions in this guidance may also be helpful for you. 

Talking to children and young people about the attack 

The attack has affected many children, families and communities. Children and young people may have had their beliefs about the world and their safety shattered. For those still experiencing difficulties many people also question their ability to cope. Providing clear, age-appropriate information will be helpful. Talking and marking the anniversary is also important, particularly if it holds significance for your family. 

It may be helpful around the anniversary to share the following with children and young people: 

  • It is okay to feel upset, guilty, angry or worried around the time of the anniversary and it is normal to have an increase in trauma responses.
  • Neither ignore nor dwell on intrusive thoughts, images or memories, but rather just notice that they are there. Remember that they are just thoughts and allow them to pass of their own accord.
  • Spend time with loved one and close friends, resisting any temptation to isolate yourself from others.
  • Ask friends how they are feeling, and where appropriate talk about how you are feeling.
  • Keep active, by going for a run or talking regular walks, ideally in the company of friends or family.
  • Plan relaxing and comforting things to do and think about how you might manage if you are upset.
  • Keep to your usual routine.
  • Try a “digital detox” by switching off social media alerts on laptops, smartphones and tablets for at least some of the time around the anniversary.

If age appropriate, do not use non-prescription drugs or increase your alcohol intake to help in managing any difficult feelings, as this is likely to increase the risk of further difficulties in the future. 

Support from school or college 

Guidance has been sent to schools and colleges to help them support those directly affected by the attack. Some suggestions have been: 

  • Identify students and staff that have been directly affected by the attack and ensure there are systems in place to monitor and support them.
  • Recognise how different age groups may demonstrate increased distress – pay attention to changes in behaviour, friendships and performance.
  • Identify a familiar trusted adult for the young person to talk to should they wish to do so – formal counselling is not necessary.
  • Reduce any unnecessary demands.
  • Consider supportive measures for SA T s and any formal exams
  • Avoid practice fire drills and any non-essential safety practices. If unavoidable warn students and staff who may be experiencing trauma symptoms.
  • Consider the curriculum around the time of the anniversary

Guidance for education providers – supporting staff and students 

This guidance has been developed to provide education staff with advice on how the anniversary of Manchester Arena attack may affect the emotional wellbeing of both students and staff. The guidance should be adapted to suit the age range and nature of educational establishments. 

It is important to acknowledge that anniversaries can be emotional events. Whilst the focus of professionals is on supporting others, our ability to do that effectively depends on our ability to look after ourselves, and our colleagues. 

Talking to students about the attack 

The attack has affected many children, families and communities. Children and young people may have had their beliefs about the world and their safety shattered. For those still experiencing symptoms many people are also questioning their ability to cope. Providing clear, age-appropriate information will be helpful. Talking and marking the anniversary is also important, particularly if it holds significance for a pupil, staff member, school or community. 

Supporting staff and students 

There are things that educational establishments can do to offer additional support to those affected: 

  • Reassure people that an increase in emotional responses and trauma symptoms are to be expected around the time of an anniversary
  • Provide information around trauma responses
  • Identify students and staff that have been directly affected by the attack and ensure there is a discrete system in place to support and monitor them.
  • Recognise how different age groups may demonstrate increased distress – pay attention to changes in behaviour, friendships and performance.
  • Identify a familiar trusted adult for the young person to talk to should they wish to do so.
  • Listen to and validate any concerns – formal counselling is not necessary.
  • Reduce any unnecessary demands.
  • Consider supportive measures for SATs and any formal exams – such as a quiet room, seating where the pupil feels most comfortable, a trusted adult in the room and a plan to manage distress.
  • Ensure there are clear lines of communication within staff teams and to pupils and parents.
  • Avoid practice fire drills and any non-essential safety practices. If unavoidable let those affected know in advance
  • Consider the curriculum in the weeks around the anniversary, avoid less helpful topics and retain focus on topics such as building resilience and overcoming challenges.
  • Consider taking measures to manage any media interest and to support staff and students to manage their own exposure the media and social media.

Guidance for Professionals  

This information has been developed to provide professionals with general advice on how the anniversary of the Manchester Arena attack may affect your emotional wellbeing and that of your colleagues.  

In the immediate days, weeks and months after the attack many of us were too busy to take time to reflect on the enormity of what happened on 22nd May 2017. Some issues may arise later – particularly around anniversaries fo the event. It may be helpful around the anniversary to: 

  • Neither ignore nor dwell on intrusive thoughts, images or memories, but rather just notice that they are there. Remember that they are just thoughts and allow them to pass of their own accord. 
  • Spend time with loved ones and close friends, resisting any temptation to isolate yourself from others. 
  • Ask colleagues and friends how they are feeling, and where appropriate talk about how you are feeling. 
  • Keep active, by visiting the gym, going for a run or talking regular walks, ideally in the company of colleagues, friends or family 
  • Try a “digital detox” by switching off social media alerts on laptops, smartphones and tablets for at least some of the time around the anniversary 
  • Do not use non-prescription drugs or increase your alcohol intake to help in managing any difficult feelings, as this is likely to increase the risk of further difficulties in the future. 

For most professionals any reactions around the anniversary will soon pass. However for some people feelings which emerge at the anniversary may persist, or be so intense that it will be worth discussing them with your GP, occupational health or contacting the Resilience Hub for advice. 

As professionals it can be hard to notice when we are struggling. Our colleagues, friends and family often notice first. So do look out for your colleagues and, if a colleague asks how you are doing, please use it as an opportunity to stop and think. 


Manchester Support

Manchester Support